Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dreamed about truth, the poor areas if abq, and the kids crime tactics like "video tape your kids, we aren't responsible" etc

Monday, September 28, 2015

Cancer and best friend

I dreamed I made a best friend like Saunders, and I had cancer.

There were a lot of creative and upscale shopping centers. A centered salon booth in the middle of an open part of the mall, but leases there only lasted 2-3 years.

Somehow I was accepting if the cancer and death potential.

I think the cancer is my potential to lose the mh recovery in losing Dr kappeler.

The Saunders person is related to hanging out with allen and Andy, and maybe the Saunders type is related to not worrying so much, having fun.

The centered salon booth is related to acting and the look needed for the parts.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Last night's dream

It was about acting.  A lot of acting.


The night before last - interesting.  American communism.  Controlled by the chinese, a heroine who saves a group of americans (me included) that can see into the chinese oligarchy and come to terms with them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Started off w cal corps thing. Fb group invite summer session cal corps. Grandma and Patricia there visiting. Mark walhberg film, his son really pissed at his father. Movie about golf or something.


Saturday, September 19, 2015


Somehow bernie sanders was trying to do a rally walk in Lompoc but he couldn't get enough people like in the east coast.  Someone messed up the old apple computer that jake from santa maria recreation and parks dept liked to use.  Some girls were in trouble, you like 19 or so, one had an amazing beyond amazing ass.  Instead of helping bernie the two girls were in swimsuits and i was able to position them both across my lap on their stomachs, the nice ass one closer to me and just sit there admiring the hell out of it.

Friday, September 18, 2015

IOT Dream

Had a revelation level dream about the ‪#‎IoT‬ (internet of things). I know, not another crazy idea from Nick. But whatever, here we are with another one. It's only a matter of time until nearly all traditional jobs are replaced by machines that add more value to our lives than humans could. Basically, in the dream there were facial recognition cameras everywhere. Machines had taken over all traditional jobs as we know them. I picked up some trash on the ground, about 30 feet behind me were senior citizens enjoying life in an area that looked a lot like the overly sunny, grassy area betwen VLSB and Moffit Library. Of course the whole world around me had cameras everywhere. Facial recognition was all around. As I picked up the trash, my currency karma points went up. That's the revelation. All jobs will disappear and then we'll be left to generate karma points by doing things. That'd be pretty motivating. To have an economy based on karma and the creativity of seizing it with extremely smart machines watching us doing good deeds. Another signature crazy idea from Nick. *Bows*

I don't know why there were 3 senior citizens behind me.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Signed up for Martha's class but there was some kind of wait list and i had to go to a huge mall and walk all the way down and around to get to this place in the mall to buy gasoline for the class

Monday, September 14, 2015


I had a dream that my code reviews started disintegrating when I gave a bad code project a negative review.  This dream could have been inspired by feelings generated from telling people about this job.  Do I get negative about myself and project that outwardly when after I tell people about my self?  That seems to be the intuition.

Great time

Mr st john and the time we had  at his 10 yr reunion.  Open up to the experience. Flowers open up to the experience. Sun. Enjoying that experience today I was closed off - through fear at first from self I consciousness, later through liability in judgment. Overcame it to see people without that judgment. Experienced them as humans they were. Very fun people. Understanding. Easy to know. No more anger. Look at that. Happy. Compassionate.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


There was some elusive girl who was really nice and we had fun together until she found someone in better shape than me. Maybe another girl too. Almost eerie about her. One of those known her all my life Jung type things.

Alberto Garcia giving me a bike to ride. Implicit desire to work out. Lived with mom. Coops similar to previous dream. Billy and honey around. Trying to find Chelsea unzer, someone i wanted to talk to. Found billy right at the end of the dream in a park.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Ryan Orban, and myself, running a drug store.  Putting things together in the aisles.  We went somewhere and I'm not sure if he started the drug store with me.  I can't remember.  Another part of the dream I was making wax hitting ceramic bubblers.

It represented the chance to meet a cooper who didn't use weed, this showed me that weed is not the only way to be a cooper.  Ryan is a highly functional and extremely ambitious person who has succeeded on many levels.  Participating with him in Zipfian academy was like working in the drug store.  The ceramic bubblers showed me that there was a strong influence that said weed was the way to be cool, to fit in, to indel in the vortex and cosmic creativity that existed in CZ.

Inspiration: electric sheep, making money with udacity, his pic from the burning man

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Had a crazy dream.  From being in the coop making wax hitting bubblers, to many other things.  it was just crazy.

I also like the saying "balls deep" like you're fucking so deep your balls get in it.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gullible to the superficial

La is fake. My eyes super xray seeing through superficial seeing through the vanity into its trivial, lighthearted nothing clear but bit empty just water maybe empty but that feels cold and alone

Its like gullible people get lost. Like I was. Taken by the selling power of marketing that is such a dark closet.

Margie Haber.


I was in some sort of house. It was a love dream. I remember angie from CZ being there. Not sure what that was about. Not sure of much of it at all. There was a lot of longing.

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Some people didn't want to pay me for my acting but when they found out how goof I was, they were embarrassed and wish they had.

I also remember things about east LA and trying to live there or something, but I dont quite remember everything.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Dream and stuff

Hey, soooo...

That evil Dr Carson on in equality LA LA LA that chris Spence posted. I returned fire with a MASSIVE post about inequality.
The dream I had last night was that I beat chuey at wrestling and got back on the team. I was more alpha than coach or something because I didn't give a fuck. I was on my team and I was good. I wanted to beat others, which I never wanted when on the team.

I was beating others.

I talked about my injury, my feelings, my opinions. If he didn't like it, fuck him.

Not there to be nice. On the mat OR off. Coach used to always talk about the hw from Arizona who was the nicest guy off the mat, but on the mat he was really tough.

Somehow that post and not giving a fuck freed me to a higher person/self. Maybe it was R coming by earlier that shared some feelings w how I felt later. The gay parent thing truly was behind the intensity of the post.

So, is that that then? Am I a man like the straight outta Compton movie showed the other men bad ass and speaking out?

Maybe just a better forum for the ideas would take it to the next level.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Chinese double boiled chicken soup

That time I was on the wharf in the Chinese people brought chicken soup double boiled chicken soup


Intense sex dream. Old okc girl from last time ii was here. Some task rabbit and okc thrown together at end. Weirs older woman. *do you like my titties?" Trying to get more TaskRabbit

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

This confetti pop idea

Get the good lights, white background, and solid camera. Pop the confetti and take tons of photos of it in mid air


Like that ocd when you gotta drive across the country but have to get off and on at every offramp


Most horrific dream ever. Weirs clown suit demon hell place. Half hospital half hell world. Had to drink this stuff and throw it up for some type of stomach cancer test. The anisthesiaoligist was really nice but I acted too tough to need it. Then everyone just started going crazy. Anyone who questioned it would get severely hurt. The main demons couldn't be hurt. Smashing their faces with sledge hammers took several direct hits just to know them out. Finally we succeeded and left as I woke up. Reminds me of hospital.