Monday, October 5, 2015

The nightmare level dream

Some kind of strip club I had lost some thc oil. At the end the stripper who had it had just finished doing a job and had a bloody vagina. She said to her friend as the security guard and I tried to ask for the oil, something like "no naynay gi I Joe oil." Nanay (a similar looking stripper) didn't hear and kept moving in with cleaning her up until the stripper had to scream ""NAYNAY NOO! GI JOE OIL!"" It was deeply disturbing and I woke up.

There was something else about a car that had been sold to get there or something. Car gone, stripper and thc oil there...

Today I'm trying to find a deeper way to reduce my outward competitiveness and aggression. Be a cooler kinder guy. Down to earth. Things like that. Just less confrontational. No more intense "up in people's faces" attitude. Someone who attracts people and inspires people (to do things for me). I like friends, romantic lovers, and professional networking people. I need better social skills. Compassion? Easygoing? Listening? Conscientious? Patience? Temper? Lol. Time to change myself to see how to grow those. What is holding those back?

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Experienced a dream where I was somehow in an alternative present. Friends lived with me and some hot girls were over, but I was also an iraq war vet. We had to run together, doing drills and things like that. It was crazy. Mysterious. It seemed like we were living in Vegas.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blair with house of childhood, peter kuhn, and a wonderful disabled actor

This guy who looked like tanmay but could have been rayc had been born without the ability to see and was missing another thing too. He could still speak and share so much love. Such love. I wondered what it would be like to not see and felt a lot of compassion.

I was at the sailing club and Peter kuhn was there but there wasn't much else going on and no one was interested in me so much any more. I walked from there to this old white house in the woods where my parents had lived when I was two. It was really creepy and old, no longer lived in. There was old dusty furniture upstairs and  the bedrooms were down stairs.

The guy of love gave his love through acting even though he seemed incredibly unlikely to be someone who would be good at doing so.

The old house reminds me of the Blair Witch house.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dreamed about truth, the poor areas if abq, and the kids crime tactics like "video tape your kids, we aren't responsible" etc

Monday, September 28, 2015

Cancer and best friend

I dreamed I made a best friend like Saunders, and I had cancer.

There were a lot of creative and upscale shopping centers. A centered salon booth in the middle of an open part of the mall, but leases there only lasted 2-3 years.

Somehow I was accepting if the cancer and death potential.

I think the cancer is my potential to lose the mh recovery in losing Dr kappeler.

The Saunders person is related to hanging out with allen and Andy, and maybe the Saunders type is related to not worrying so much, having fun.

The centered salon booth is related to acting and the look needed for the parts.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Last night's dream

It was about acting.  A lot of acting.


The night before last - interesting.  American communism.  Controlled by the chinese, a heroine who saves a group of americans (me included) that can see into the chinese oligarchy and come to terms with them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Started off w cal corps thing. Fb group invite summer session cal corps. Grandma and Patricia there visiting. Mark walhberg film, his son really pissed at his father. Movie about golf or something.